UPDATE: May 3, 2021
With the recent updates from the CDC regarding the use of masks for vaccinated individuals while outdoors, we wanted to offer some clarity on CRU’s ongoing safety measures.
CRU regularly reviews CDC, USAU, and local guidelines and regulations so that we may best support our players. We are excited to see the CDC’s latest updates on outdoor activities for vaccinated individuals! However, while some of our players are fully vaccinated, others are not. In addition, the CDC has not updated their guidance for group sports.
With these considerations in mind, CRU will continue to follow our masking policy: Players will be required to wear masks during play and when you cannot stay at least six feet apart from people who do not live with you. We will continue to evaluate CDC, USAU, and local regulations to ensure safe play, and update our safety measure accordingly. Thank you for playing your part to keep our games safe for everyone.
UPDATE: March 29, 2021
Ultimate is returning to Cedar Rapids!
On Tuesday, April 6 Cedar Rapids Ultimate will begin hosting our weekly pick up games with new safety measures in place. Please read the Return to Play blog post for details on our plan for restarting Ultimate games safely.
In order to ensure that returning to play is safe for all participants, we will be counting on each and every player to do a few simple things for the safety of all. Wearing a mask, keeping six feet apart when possible and washing hands are all easy ways we can all help keep each other safe and healthy – and on the Ultimate field.
As a small non-profit organization we take very seriously our commitment to our mission, and the members of our community. We must ensure that the public opportunities we provide for Ultimate players to gather are as risk-free as they can be.
If you have any questions about our Return to Play plan, please email us or contact any of our board members directly. We trust that, as adults, we can have honest, open and fact-based discussions about how we can safely play together again. Thank you for your patience through this past year. We can’t describe how excited we are to toss some plastic with you all again.
UPDATE: March 10, 2021
Nearly a full year after this all started we are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. As the weather warms and more vaccines are being distributed the conversation on the CRU board has been on how to safely return to play this spring.
After reviewing CDC guidelines, trends in cases and hospitalizations and USAU’s Return to Play Guidelines we’re planning to resume regular pick up games this spring with the proper safety protocols in place. Details on these precautions we will be requiring at CRU-hosted events will be shared soon.
Please stay tuned to our social media pages or sign up for our newsletter to make sure you get every detail of our plan for returning to play.
UPDATE: June 28, 2020
The Cedar Rapids Ultimate Board Members meet last week and, for the health and well-being of our community, decided that now is not the time to restart our weekly pick up games. As a team sport, with lots of players and potential for close contact, maintaining social distancing and other health guidelines is not easily done while playing the sport we love. As excited as we are to play Ultimate again, we cannot put anyone’s health in jeopardy.
We do hope that the time to return to play is near, and we’re hoping to hear from our community to know how you feel about getting back on the field. We’ll be sharing a survey through social media and we hope all area Ultimate players take a few moments to share their feelings. This will help us know what our next steps should be.
In the meantime, we’ll continue sharing ways you can keep Ultimate in your life while social distancing. Thanks for being patient with us. Stay tuned here and on social media for updates.
UPDATE: May 17, 2020
With parts of Iowa re-opening, we’re sure some of you are curious about when Cedar Rapids Ultimate will be taking steps to start up our programming again. We have been monitoring the health and safety guidelines of our city, state and national officials and have a few updates we’d like to share.
First, we currently have no plans for starting regular pick-up games. The close and physical nature of our team sport makes following social distancing guidelines difficult at this time. Thankfully, once it is safe to do so getting this started again will be quick and simple. Follow our Facebook page for updates.
Next, we are hosting “Ultimate Frisbee Day” at NewBo City Market on Sunday, June 7. We will be taking as many measures as we can to keep volunteers and participants safe while we use the yard space at the market to teach people how to throw and share why they should play Ultimate. You can get more details here.
Also, currently our Ultimate Youth Camp, run in conjunction with the Cedar Rapids Parks Department, is as of today is still happening. Any updates on its status, and sign up information, can be found at crrec.org.
Lastly, we were saddened by the news that Iowa City Summer League had to be cancelled. We want everyone to know we’re planning to have a league either late summer, or fall, depending on when it is safe to do so. Stay tuned here or on our social media pages to see when you can sign up.
We hope you’re all staying home, staying safe and staying sane.
UPDATE: MARCH 14, 2020
On March 13, the city of Cedar Rapids asked area citizens to practice appropriate social distancing and practice proper hygiene techniques to prevent the spread of the COVID 19 virus. Cedar Rapids Ultimate takes the health and wellness of our community very seriously. As the situation continues to develop we will have discussions about how we can continue to offer opportunities to play Ultimate while keeping public health as the top priority.
Before you get too worried, I’d like to remind you that according to local and regional health authorities “currently, the immediate novel coronavirus (COVID19) health risk to Iowans is low.” That being said, there are simple steps you can take to help stay safe, and help others stay safe as well. A list of ways to reduce the spread of COVID 19 and influenza can be found at this link to the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Currently, Cedar Rapids Ultimate has no plans to cancel, suspend or delay any of our events, including Spring League or our weekly pick-up games. We will take measures to promote safe hygiene practices at events, such as making hand sanitizer available at Spring League. We will continue to monitor the situation and heed the recommendations of our local, regional and national health officials, and will notify the community if there are any changes to our programming. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for the latest updates.
For the events currently planned we’re asking that anyone who participates in our events follows these steps:
- STAY HOME WHEN YOU ARE SHOWING FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS (these include fever, cough and shortness of breath), if you are showing symptoms at an event you will be asked to leave
- Celebrate that sweet layout catch with elbow bumps, cleat taps or air fives instead of high fives or other physical contact
- Wash your hands before coming to play and after you leave
- Bring your own water bottles, and don’t share them
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all do our best to navigate the tough decisions that may need to be made in the name of public health and safety.